Welcome to J.E. Taylor Hunt Club!
"Once you let your rifle speak, it's only quieted by the deafening silence that comes with the solemn truth that forever surrounds the measuring tape." -- Billy Temple
Thank you for visiting our website. We're a still hunting club with three sections (Main Club, Bow Mountain & 1600 Block) covering more than 7,000 acres of pines and hardwoods leased in beautiful Orange County, VA. Our aim is to put in place smart club rules that provides our members with a safe and enjoyable opportunity to harvest a great Virginia buck. Although our membership is currently full, we enjoy adding new members whenever vacancies occur. We're a diverse group of hunters from many different locations...it makes our club better. Best of luck and safe hunting. Please Note: Due to the overwhelming number of hunters reaching out to us, we've had to temporarily suspend adding new people to our waiting list. We're sorry, we know how difficult it is to find a place to hunt. ![]()
2025 Club Announcements:Notice: J.E. Taylor Hunt Club does not participate in the early or late antlerless-only firearms deer seasons.
Saturday, March 22nd, 9:00am - Annual Meeting (Ken's Shop.) Saturday, June 7th, 9:00am - First Workday Saturday, July 12th, 9:00am - Second Workday Saturday, August 23rd, 9:00am - Last Workday Note: The last workday has been changed from our traditional Sunday to Saturday. |